Goli Nutrition - 南非醉茄軟糖 60粒軟糖 Ashwaghanda Gummies (60 gummies)



Goli Nutrition - 南非醉茄軟糖 60粒軟糖 Ashwaghanda Gummies (60 gummies) 產地: 美國 Goli 很高興提供第一款純素、無明膠和無麩質的 Ashwagandha 軟糖。 一種古老的藥草,因其諸多益處而被使用了幾個世紀。 Ashwagandha,被歸類為適應原可以幫助身體管理壓力和焦慮。 此外,它還可以增強大腦功能,降低血糖和皮質醇水平,並有助於對抗焦慮和抑鬱症狀。 Goli is happy to offer the first Ashwagandha gummy that is vegan, gelatin-free and gluten-free. An ancient medicinal herb that has been used for centuries for its many benefits. Ashwagandha, being classified as an adaptogen can help the body in managing stress and anxiety. Additionally, it can boost brain function, lower blood sugar and cortisol levels, and help fight symptoms of anxiety and depression.

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